Humani’Care Strasbourg
The pharmacy students’ solidarity association
Our upcoming events

Come join us and participate during our events! Check out our calendar, so you don’t miss out on anything!
Our values

Since its creation, Humani’Care Strasbourg has aimed to inform everyone about health problems and the healthcare system by conducting prevention and awareness-raising actions at the local level, as well as internationally through solidarity trips.

We are aware of the major impact that we have on our planet, and we are committed to taking actions aimed at respecting and preserving our environment.
Support us !
Do you share our values and wish to support us on your level?
Humani’Care Strasbourg is an active student association waiting for you to join. You too can be part of our community and contribute to our actions!
To become a member, you only need to subscribe and pay off the symbolic one euro via the registration form “become a member”. If you want to support us financially, you can also make a donation of the amount you prefer. Your contribution will help us finance our future solidarity projects and improve the living conditions of people in need.
Finally, you can take part without being an active member of Humani’care strasbourg the student association by volunteering during our future actions. We organize events regularly such as cleanwalks, solidarity walks, or even food collections, and we need your help to achieve them!
Become a member now and act for a more united world.
Join us now and contribute to a more united world!

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Participate to our events
Lastest posts
10 Solidarity and Ecological Actions
In our everyday life, we all have the opportunity to act positively for our environment and community. Anyone can contribute to a better world in his own way, whether it […]
Reduce your ecological footprint!
What is the ecological footprint? The ecological footprint is an indicator for measuring human impact on the environment. It measures the amount of raw materials consumed and the amount of […]
Waste reduction: Humani’Care acts!
European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR), what is it ? The European Week for Waste Reduction, which took place from 21 to 28 November 2022, is a European initiative which […]