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  • Waste reduction: Humani’Care acts!

    Sensibilisation sur la réduction des déchets

    European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR), what is it ?

    The European Week for Waste Reduction, which took place from 21 to 28 November 2022, is a European initiative which promotes the implementation of awareness-raising actions on sustainable resources and waste management.

    It also takes the form of the Semaine Étudiante de la Réduction des Déchets (SERD) – Student Week for Waste Reduction. We were indeed lucky enough to be labeled and receive funding for our activities.

    Activities carried out Humani’Care Strasbourg for the EWWR

    We were able to organize many activities at the university in connection with this week: 

    Indeed, a cleanwalk, a sale of vegan cakes, a collection of clothes for the Secours Populaire and the broadcasting of the documentary film “Home” were set up to make students aware of ecology and encourage them to question their lifestyles and their consumption pattern. A raffle was also organized throughout the week, with many prizes to be won related to ecology and waste reduction.

    Waste reduction: Humani'Care Strasbourg during the EWWR 2023
    L’équipe Humani’Care Strasbourg organise une collecte de vêtements à l’occasion de la Semaine Étudiante de la Réduction des Déchets

    The creation of collections for the benefit of active charities! 

    This week was also the starting point for the launch of several collections in favor of committed associations:

    • A collection of stationery for the association “Neurofibromatoses et Recklinghausen”. This allowed the financing of the research on neurofibromatosis, rare genetic diseases manifested by an attack of the nervous system and the skin. 
    • A collection of corks for the association “Bouchons d’Amour”, which will finance equipment for disabled people.